Blog #001

Febuary 7th, 2025

Hello! This is officially the first post on my blog.

If you're seeing this, thanks for stopping by. There's nothing else here yet so I'm not really sure why you'd be here but all the same, welcome! You can check the "About" tab up above for some other places you can find me if social media or anime tracking is more your thing than the blog format.

But that's exactly why this is here.

For a while now I've been waffling on what this first post should be about. I mean, it's the first post on my blog! It's gotta be something special, right? I had ideas like listing/ranking a bunch of my favorite stuff from last year or going in-depth on my internet history, and while I'll certainly get around to posts like that, they ultimately didn't feel right. I'm starting this blog specifically to get away from the pace of social media, to recapture some of what I loved about the old internet, and as part of that I'm trying to focus less on posting about things I feel obligated to talk about because they're the important topic of interest for the day, and more on things I actually want to share with others, regardless of how niche or frivolous they may seem.

Which is why this, the very first post on my blog, will simply be dedicated to sharing this edit of a flashback scene from Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero with music and SFX from the original Dragon Ball anime:

Hey, the embed worked! I haven't done any web coding in a very long time, so even getting something like that working feels like an accomplishment!

Seeing all these bits from the Red Ribbon Army arc with such gorgeous animation is a real treat, but the added audio and voice clips make it perfect. Masako Nozawa doing little kid Goku's gremlin screech never gets old.

Anyway, thanks for reading! More posts coming in the hopefully near future.